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The concept of "Love worth fighting for"

     Love is a pretty big deal. The human race is so enamoured by it that there are so many songs,books and movies about it. It is a concept that influences all human interaction. All?? you might say; How so? A baby is born and to foster bonding medical professionals ensure that there is skin to skin contact between the mother and the baby(1). When the father is present, skin to skin contact is also encouraged. Bonding and love are important to the healthy development of a child and so it is one of the first things that needs to be considered after a baby is born. The importance of love does not stop at infancy it plays a major part in the emotional development as the infant grows from one developmental phase to the next. It is important to understand this  concept of love that goes with us throughout life. 

             The word love is thrown around so many times. Hence, the need arises to comprehend what truly represents the warmth and care associated with it and decipher when the word is only a facade. Love is used in association with support, a positive attitude, romance, and a team spirit. It is also used in association greed, murder, deceit, and lies.
             We all have ideas that shape our lives and actions. They may be conscious or unconscious. I have come to the realization that the practice of the Christian faith changes the standard that one sets for love. The love that someone who is a practicing Christian attempts to live up to is different from one that is not affected by faith. The operational word in the Christian definition is "sacrifice." There is also warmth and emotion, a positive attitude, romance, long-suffering (endurance), patience, truth, and sexual purity.
            One important thing that distinguishes love worth fighting for from any other type of love is the fact the sacrifice is two-sided. If one person is giving love and sacrificing while the other is merely receiving, the giver becomes more of a martyr living in an unhealthy relationship than someone fighting for love. The issue of knowing when love is worth fighting for is important in a dating or courtship situation because one needs to be aware of when to walk away and when to stay. In a marriage, one needs to ask him or herself if he or she is giving love worth fighting for. In a marriage, a covenant has been made, it is a cord that is not easily broken.



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